Nevada Attorney Homa Sayyar

In January of 2017, Homa started with the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division as the Attorney for the Rights of Older Persons and Persons With a Physical Disability, Intellectual Disability or a Related Condition and stopped taking private clients through Woodrum Law LLC. In August of 2019, she transferred to a role with the Nevada Office of the Attorney General.  She served as a Senior Deputy Attorney General representing the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy in the Health and Human Services Division and later served in the Boards and Open Government Division. In September of 2023 she began a role as General Counsel for Nevada State Purchasing in the Department of Administration and in 2025 she returned to using her maiden name of Homa Sayyar.  

If you are looking for a referral for counsel, please see the State Bar of Nevada's website at

It you are looking for the current Elder and Disability Rights Attorney for the State of Nevada, please go to

You can learn more about the Nevada Attorney General's Office at and the State Purchasing Division at

Homa Sayyar

Nevada Licensed Attorney
(775) 531-3310 (office)

I have been licensed to practice law in the State of Nevada since October 2007 but have been a Nevada resident since 2000.

I have experience with civil litigation, bankruptcy, immigration, business formation, and contract disputes but a large portion of my practice focused on Elder Law and Guardianship at Woodrum Law LLC from 2014-2017. In January 2017 I was appointed by Governor Sandoval as the State's Elder Rights Attorney at the State of Nevada's Aging and Disability Services Division. In May of 2017 the job description and title changed via legislative amendment (Assembly Bill 31 amended NRS 427A.123 et seq) to include disability rights.

In August of 2019 I began serving the State of Nevada Attorney General's Office as a Deputy Attorney General in the Health and Human Services Unit representing the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy.  I was promoted to a Senior Deputy Attorney General Position in September of 2020 and transferred to the Boards and Open Government Division in March of 2022 primarily representing Nevada State Purchasing, Enterprise IT Services (later the Office of the Chief Information Officer), and Risk Management.  In September of 2023 I accepted a role with the Nevada State Purchasing Division within the Department of Administration as General Counsel.  This page is active until I transition my business name to a new entity. I am not permitted by statute to do paid legal work outside of my role, but have maintained the business in the event private practice beckons again.

Self Determination

At the heart of our humanity is the concept of self determination. The field of elder and disability rights is no different, and yet there is a cultural tendency to substitute decision making for others. In 2019 Nevada became, via Assembly Bill 480, a "Supported Decision-Making State." NRS 162C now outlines how an individual can have their informal supports recognized and not used to claim incapacity as a result. Also in the 2019 session, Senate Bill 121 provided for a Power of Attorney for Dementia to address the barriers to nominating a healthcare agent for assistance with decisions in light of a dementia diagnosis. The form for the new power of attorney is outlined in NRS 162A. I enjoy doing outreach and education about the presumption of capacity and legal rights where I can be of assistance.